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disableTimestringOutput only. If a key pair is set to DISABLED, the time that the key pair's state changed from ENABLED to DISABLED. This field is present only when the key pair is in state DISABLED.
enablementStatestringOutput only. The current state of the key pair.
keyPairIdstringOutput only. The immutable ID for the client-side encryption S/MIME key pair.
pemstringOutput only. The public key and its certificate chain, in PEM format.
pkcs7stringInput only. The public key and its certificate chain. The chain must be in PKCS#7 format and use PEM encoding and ASCII armor.
privateKeyMetadataarrayMetadata for instances of this key pair's private key.
subjectEmailAddressesarrayOutput only. The email address identities that are specified on the leaf certificate.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
users_settings_cse_keypairs_getSELECTkeyPairId, userIdRetrieves an existing client-side encryption key pair. Beta.
users_settings_cse_keypairs_listSELECTuserIdLists client-side encryption key pairs for an authenticated user. Beta.
users_settings_cse_keypairs_createINSERTuserIdCreates and uploads a client-side encryption S/MIME public key certificate chain and private key metadata for the authenticated user. Beta.
users_settings_cse_keypairs_disableEXECkeyPairId, userIdTurns off a client-side encryption key pair. The authenticated user can no longer use the key pair to decrypt incoming CSE message texts or sign outgoing CSE mail. To regain access, use the EnableCseKeyPair to turn on the key pair. After 30 days, you can permanently delete the key pair by using the ObliterateCseKeyPair method. Beta.
users_settings_cse_keypairs_enableEXECkeyPairId, userIdTurns on a client-side encryption key pair that was turned off. The key pair becomes active again for any associated client-side encryption identities. Beta.
users_settings_cse_keypairs_obliterateEXECkeyPairId, userIdDeletes a client-side encryption key pair permanently and immediately. You can only permanently delete key pairs that have been turned off for more than 30 days. To turn off a key pair, use the DisableCseKeyPair method. Gmail can't restore or decrypt any messages that were encrypted by an obliterated key. Authenticated users and Google Workspace administrators lose access to reading the encrypted messages. Beta.