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idstringIdentifier for this course assigned by Classroom. When creating a course, you may optionally set this identifier to an alias string in the request to create a corresponding alias. The id is still assigned by Classroom and cannot be updated after the course is created. Specifying this field in a course update mask results in an error.
namestringName of the course. For example, "10th Grade Biology". The name is required. It must be between 1 and 750 characters and a valid UTF-8 string.
descriptionstringOptional description. For example, "We'll be learning about the structure of living creatures from a combination of textbooks, guest lectures, and lab work. Expect to be excited!" If set, this field must be a valid UTF-8 string and no longer than 30,000 characters.
courseStatestringState of the course. If unspecified, the default state is PROVISIONED.
guardiansEnabledbooleanWhether or not guardian notifications are enabled for this course. Read-only.
ownerIdstringThe identifier of the owner of a course. When specified as a parameter of a create course request, this field is required. The identifier can be one of the following: the numeric identifier for the user the email address of the user * the string literal "me", indicating the requesting user This must be set in a create request. Admins can also specify this field in a patch course request to transfer ownership. In other contexts, it is read-only.
gradebookSettingsobjectThe gradebook settings for a course. See the help center article for details.
teacherGroupEmailstringThe email address of a Google group containing all teachers of the course. This group does not accept email and can only be used for permissions. Read-only.
courseGroupEmailstringThe email address of a Google group containing all members of the course. This group does not accept email and can only be used for permissions. Read-only.
sectionstringSection of the course. For example, "Period 2". If set, this field must be a valid UTF-8 string and no longer than 2800 characters.
alternateLinkstringAbsolute link to this course in the Classroom web UI. Read-only.
descriptionHeadingstringOptional heading for the description. For example, "Welcome to 10th Grade Biology." If set, this field must be a valid UTF-8 string and no longer than 3600 characters.
enrollmentCodestringEnrollment code to use when joining this course. Specifying this field in a course update mask results in an error. Read-only.
teacherFolderobjectRepresentation of a Google Drive folder.
updateTimestringTime of the most recent update to this course. Specifying this field in a course update mask results in an error. Read-only.
calendarIdstringThe Calendar ID for a calendar that all course members can see, to which Classroom adds events for course work and announcements in the course. Read-only.
courseMaterialSetsarraySets of materials that appear on the "about" page of this course. Read-only.
roomstringOptional room location. For example, "301". If set, this field must be a valid UTF-8 string and no longer than 650 characters.
creationTimestringCreation time of the course. Specifying this field in a course update mask results in an error. Read-only.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTidReturns a course. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to access the requested course or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if no course exists with the requested ID.
listSELECTReturns a list of courses that the requesting user is permitted to view, restricted to those that match the request. Returned courses are ordered by creation time, with the most recently created coming first. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED for access errors. INVALID_ARGUMENT if the query argument is malformed. * NOT_FOUND if any users specified in the query arguments do not exist.
createINSERTCreates a course. The user specified in ownerId is the owner of the created course and added as a teacher. A non-admin requesting user can only create a course with themselves as the owner. Domain admins can create courses owned by any user within their domain. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to create courses or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if the primary teacher is not a valid user. FAILED_PRECONDITION if the course owner's account is disabled or for the following request errors: UserCannotOwnCourse UserGroupsMembershipLimitReached ALREADY_EXISTS if an alias was specified in the id and already exists.
deleteDELETEidDeletes a course. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to delete the requested course or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if no course exists with the requested ID.
patchEXECidUpdates one or more fields in a course. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to modify the requested course or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if no course exists with the requested ID. INVALID_ARGUMENT if invalid fields are specified in the update mask or if no update mask is supplied. FAILED_PRECONDITION for the following request errors: CourseNotModifiable InactiveCourseOwner * IneligibleOwner
updateEXECidUpdates a course. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to modify the requested course or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if no course exists with the requested ID. FAILED_PRECONDITION for the following request errors: CourseNotModifiable