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idstringIdentifier assigned by Classroom. Read-only.
courseIdstringIdentifier of the course to invite the user to.
rolestringRole to invite the user to have. Must not be COURSE_ROLE_UNSPECIFIED.
userIdstringIdentifier of the invited user. When specified as a parameter of a request, this identifier can be set to one of the following: the numeric identifier for the user the email address of the user * the string literal "me", indicating the requesting user


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTidReturns an invitation. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to view the requested invitation or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if no invitation exists with the requested ID.
listSELECTReturns a list of invitations that the requesting user is permitted to view, restricted to those that match the list request. Note: At least one of user_id or course_id must be supplied. Both fields can be supplied. This method returns the following error codes: * PERMISSION_DENIED for access errors.
createINSERTCreates an invitation. Only one invitation for a user and course may exist at a time. Delete and re-create an invitation to make changes. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to create invitations for this course or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if the course or the user does not exist. FAILED_PRECONDITION: if the requested user's account is disabled. if the user already has this role or a role with greater permissions. for the following request errors: IneligibleOwner ALREADY_EXISTS if an invitation for the specified user and course already exists.
deleteDELETEidDeletes an invitation. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to delete the requested invitation or for access errors. NOT_FOUND if no invitation exists with the requested ID.
acceptEXECidAccepts an invitation, removing it and adding the invited user to the teachers or students (as appropriate) of the specified course. Only the invited user may accept an invitation. This method returns the following error codes: PERMISSION_DENIED if the requesting user is not permitted to accept the requested invitation or for access errors. FAILED_PRECONDITION for the following request errors: CourseMemberLimitReached CourseNotModifiable CourseTeacherLimitReached UserGroupsMembershipLimitReached * NOT_FOUND if no invitation exists with the requested ID.