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spreadsheetUrlstringThe url of the spreadsheet. This field is read-only.
dataSourceSchedulesarrayOutput only. A list of data source refresh schedules.
dataSourcesarrayA list of external data sources connected with the spreadsheet.
developerMetadataarrayThe developer metadata associated with a spreadsheet.
namedRangesarrayThe named ranges defined in a spreadsheet.
propertiesobjectProperties of a spreadsheet.
sheetsarrayThe sheets that are part of a spreadsheet.
spreadsheetIdstringThe ID of the spreadsheet. This field is read-only.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTspreadsheetIdReturns the spreadsheet at the given ID. The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID. By default, data within grids is not returned. You can include grid data in one of 2 ways: Specify a field mask listing your desired fields using the fields URL parameter in HTTP Set the includeGridData URL parameter to true. If a field mask is set, the includeGridData parameter is ignored For large spreadsheets, as a best practice, retrieve only the specific spreadsheet fields that you want. To retrieve only subsets of spreadsheet data, use the ranges URL parameter. Ranges are specified using A1 notation. You can define a single cell (for example, A1) or multiple cells (for example, A1:D5). You can also get cells from other sheets within the same spreadsheet (for example, Sheet2!A1:C4) or retrieve multiple ranges at once (for example, ?ranges=A1:D5&ranges=Sheet2!A1:C4). Limiting the range returns only the portions of the spreadsheet that intersect the requested ranges.
createINSERTCreates a spreadsheet, returning the newly created spreadsheet.
batchUpdateEXECspreadsheetIdApplies one or more updates to the spreadsheet. Each request is validated before being applied. If any request is not valid then the entire request will fail and nothing will be applied. Some requests have replies to give you some information about how they are applied. The replies will mirror the requests. For example, if you applied 4 updates and the 3rd one had a reply, then the response will have 2 empty replies, the actual reply, and another empty reply, in that order. Due to the collaborative nature of spreadsheets, it is not guaranteed that the spreadsheet will reflect exactly your changes after this completes, however it is guaranteed that the updates in the request will be applied together atomically. Your changes may be altered with respect to collaborator changes. If there are no collaborators, the spreadsheet should reflect your changes.