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idstringTask identifier.
kindstringType of the resource. This is always "tasks#task".
updatedstringLast modification time of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp).
parentstringParent task identifier. This field is omitted if it is a top-level task. This field is read-only. Use the "move" method to move the task under a different parent or to the top level.
positionstringString indicating the position of the task among its sibling tasks under the same parent task or at the top level. If this string is greater than another task's corresponding position string according to lexicographical ordering, the task is positioned after the other task under the same parent task (or at the top level). This field is read-only. Use the "move" method to move the task to another position.
selfLinkstringURL pointing to this task. Used to retrieve, update, or delete this task.
notesstringNotes describing the task. Optional.
hiddenbooleanFlag indicating whether the task is hidden. This is the case if the task had been marked completed when the task list was last cleared. The default is False. This field is read-only.
titlestringTitle of the task.
statusstringStatus of the task. This is either "needsAction" or "completed".
completedstringCompletion date of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp). This field is omitted if the task has not been completed.
linksarrayCollection of links. This collection is read-only.
deletedbooleanFlag indicating whether the task has been deleted. The default is False.
duestringDue date of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp). Optional. The due date only records date information; the time portion of the timestamp is discarded when setting the due date. It isn't possible to read or write the time that a task is due via the API.
etagstringETag of the resource.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTtask, tasklistReturns the specified task.
listSELECTtasklistReturns all tasks in the specified task list.
insertINSERTtasklistCreates a new task on the specified task list.
deleteDELETEtask, tasklistDeletes the specified task from the task list.
clearEXECtasklistClears all completed tasks from the specified task list. The affected tasks will be marked as 'hidden' and no longer be returned by default when retrieving all tasks for a task list.
moveEXECtask, tasklistMoves the specified task to another position in the task list. This can include putting it as a child task under a new parent and/or move it to a different position among its sibling tasks.
patchEXECtask, tasklistUpdates the specified task. This method supports patch semantics.
updateEXECtask, tasklistUpdates the specified task.