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namestringThe name of the hold.
accountsarrayIf set, the hold applies to the specified accounts and orgUnit must be empty.
corpusstringThe service to be searched.
holdIdstringThe unique immutable ID of the hold. Assigned during creation.
orgUnitobjectThe organizational unit covered by a hold. This structure is immutable.
queryobjectService-specific options for holds.
updateTimestringThe last time this hold was modified.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
matters_holds_getSELECTholdId, matterIdGets the specified hold.
matters_holds_listSELECTmatterIdLists the holds in a matter.
matters_holds_createINSERTmatterIdCreates a hold in the specified matter.
matters_holds_deleteDELETEholdId, matterIdRemoves the specified hold and releases the accounts or organizational unit covered by the hold. If the data is not preserved by another hold or retention rule, it might be purged.
matters_holds_updateEXECholdId, matterIdUpdates the scope (organizational unit or accounts) and query parameters of a hold. You cannot add accounts to a hold that covers an organizational unit, nor can you add organizational units to a hold that covers individual accounts. If you try, the unsupported values are ignored.