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namestringThe name of the matter.
descriptionstringAn optional description for the matter.
statestringThe state of the matter.
matterIdstringThe matter ID, which is generated by the server. Leave blank when creating a matter.
matterPermissionsarrayLists the users and their permission for the matter. Currently there is no programmer defined limit on the number of permissions a matter can have.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTmatterIdGets the specified matter.
listSELECTLists matters the requestor has access to.
createINSERTCreates a matter with the given name and description. The initial state is open, and the owner is the method caller. Returns the created matter with default view.
deleteDELETEmatterIdDeletes the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.
closeEXECmatterIdCloses the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.
countEXECmatterIdCounts the accounts processed by the specified query.
reopenEXECmatterIdReopens the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.
undeleteEXECmatterIdUndeletes the specified matter. Returns the matter with updated state.
updateEXECmatterIdUpdates the specified matter. This updates only the name and description of the matter, identified by matter ID. Changes to any other fields are ignored. Returns the default view of the matter.