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idstringThe ID of this Team Drive which is also the ID of the top level folder of this Team Drive.
namestringThe name of this Team Drive.
backgroundImageFileobjectAn image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for this Team Drive is set. This is a write only field; it can only be set on drive.teamdrives.update requests that don't set themeId. When specified, all fields of the backgroundImageFile must be set.
themeIdstringThe ID of the theme from which the background image and color will be set. The set of possible teamDriveThemes can be retrieved from a drive.about.get response. When not specified on a drive.teamdrives.create request, a random theme is chosen from which the background image and color are set. This is a write-only field; it can only be set on requests that don't set colorRgb or backgroundImageFile.
orgUnitIdstringThe organizational unit of this shared drive. This field is only populated on drives.list responses when the useDomainAdminAccess parameter is set to true.
restrictionsobjectA set of restrictions that apply to this Team Drive or items inside this Team Drive.
createdTimestringThe time at which the Team Drive was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
colorRgbstringThe color of this Team Drive as an RGB hex string. It can only be set on a drive.teamdrives.update request that does not set themeId.
capabilitiesobjectCapabilities the current user has on this Team Drive.
kindstringIdentifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "drive#teamDrive".
backgroundImageLinkstringA short-lived link to this Team Drive's background image.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTteamDriveIdDeprecated use drives.get instead.
listSELECTDeprecated use drives.list instead.
createINSERTrequestIdDeprecated use drives.create instead.
deleteDELETEteamDriveIdDeprecated use drives.delete instead.
updateEXECteamDriveIdDeprecated use drives.update instead