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kindstringIdentifies the resource as a customer. Value: reseller#customer
phoneNumberstringCustomer contact phone number. Must start with "+" followed by the country code. The rest of the number can be contiguous numbers or respect the phone local format conventions, but it must be a real phone number and not, for example, "123". This field is silently ignored if invalid.
customerDomainVerifiedbooleanWhether the customer's primary domain has been verified.
resourceUiUrlstringURL to customer's Admin console dashboard. The read-only URL is generated by the API service. This is used if your client application requires the customer to complete a task in the Admin console.
customerIdstringThis property will always be returned in a response as the unique identifier generated by Google. In a request, this property can be either the primary domain or the unique identifier generated by Google.
customerTypestringIdentifies the type of the customer. Acceptable values include: domain: Implies a domain-verified customer (default). team: Implies an email-verified customer. For more information, see managed teams.
primaryAdminobjectJSON template for primary admin in case of TEAM customers
alternateEmailstringLike the "Customer email" in the reseller tools, this email is the secondary contact used if something happens to the customer's service such as service outage or a security issue. This property is required when creating a new "domain" customer and should not use the same domain as customerDomain. The alternateEmail field is not necessary to create a "team" customer.
customerDomainstringThe customer's primary domain name string. customerDomain is required when creating a new customer. Do not include the www prefix in the domain when adding a customer.
postalAddressobjectJSON template for address of a customer.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcustomerIdGets a customer account. Use this operation to see a customer account already in your reseller management, or to see the minimal account information for an existing customer that you do not manage. For more information about the API response for existing customers, see retrieving a customer account.
insertINSERTOrders a new customer's account. Before ordering a new customer account, establish whether the customer account already exists using the customers.get If the customer account exists as a direct Google account or as a resold customer account from another reseller, use the customerAuthToken\ as described in order a resold account for an existing customer. For more information about ordering a new customer account, see order a new customer account. After creating a new customer account, you must provision a user as an administrator. The customer's administrator is required to sign in to the Admin console and sign the G Suite via Reseller agreement to activate the account. Resellers are prohibited from signing the G Suite via Reseller agreement on the customer's behalf. For more information, see order a new customer account.
patchEXECcustomerIdUpdates a customer account's settings. This method supports patch semantics. You cannot update customerType via the Reseller API, but a "team" customer can verify their domain and become customerType = "domain". For more information, see Verify your domain to unlock Essentials features.
updateEXECcustomerIdUpdates a customer account's settings. You cannot update customerType via the Reseller API, but a "team" customer can verify their domain and become customerType = "domain". For more information, see update a customer's settings.