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renewalSettingsobjectJSON template for a subscription renewal settings.
planobjectThe plan property is required. In this version of the API, the G Suite plans are the flexible plan, annual commitment plan, and the 30-day free trial plan. For more information about the API"s payment plans, see the API concepts.
kindstringIdentifies the resource as a Subscription. Value: reseller#subscription
seatsobjectJSON template for subscription seats.
purchaseOrderIdstringThis is an optional property. This purchase order (PO) information is for resellers to use for their company tracking usage. If a purchaseOrderId value is given it appears in the API responses and shows up in the invoice. The property accepts up to 80 plain text characters.
suspensionReasonsarrayRead-only field containing an enumerable of all the current suspension reasons for a subscription. It is possible for a subscription to have many concurrent, overlapping suspension reasons. A subscription's STATUS is SUSPENDED until all pending suspensions are removed. Possible options include: - PENDING_TOS_ACCEPTANCE - The customer has not logged in and accepted the G Suite Resold Terms of Services. - RENEWAL_WITH_TYPE_CANCEL - The customer's commitment ended and their service was cancelled at the end of their term. - RESELLER_INITIATED - A manual suspension invoked by a Reseller. - TRIAL_ENDED - The customer's trial expired without a plan selected. - OTHER - The customer is suspended for an internal Google reason (e.g. abuse or otherwise).
customerIdstringThis property will always be returned in a response as the unique identifier generated by Google. In a request, this property can be either the primary domain or the unique identifier generated by Google.
customerDomainstringPrimary domain name of the customer
skuNamestringRead-only external display name for a product's SKU assigned to a customer in the subscription. SKU names are subject to change at Google's discretion. For products and SKUs available in this version of the API, see Product and SKU IDs.
transferInfoobjectRead-only transfer related information for the subscription. For more information, see retrieve transferable subscriptions for a customer.
creationTimestringThe creationTime property is the date when subscription was created. It is in milliseconds using the Epoch format. See an example Epoch converter.
dealCodestringGoogle-issued code (100 char max) for discounted pricing on subscription plans. Deal code must be included in insert requests in order to receive discounted rate. This property is optional, regular pricing applies if left empty.
resourceUiUrlstringURL to customer's Subscriptions page in the Admin console. The read-only URL is generated by the API service. This is used if your client application requires the customer to complete a task using the Subscriptions page in the Admin console.
subscriptionIdstringThe subscriptionId is the subscription identifier and is unique for each customer. This is a required property. Since a subscriptionId changes when a subscription is updated, we recommend not using this ID as a key for persistent data. Use the subscriptionId as described in retrieve all reseller subscriptions.
billingMethodstringRead-only field that returns the current billing method for a subscription.
skuIdstringA required property. The skuId is a unique system identifier for a product's SKU assigned to a customer in the subscription. For products and SKUs available in this version of the API, see Product and SKU IDs.
trialSettingsobjectThe G Suite annual commitment and flexible payment plans can be in a 30-day free trial. For more information, see the API concepts.
statusstringThis is an optional property.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTcustomerId, subscriptionIdGets a specific subscription. The subscriptionId can be found using the Retrieve all reseller subscriptions method. For more information about retrieving a specific subscription, see the information descrived in manage subscriptions.
listSELECTLists of subscriptions managed by the reseller. The list can be all subscriptions, all of a customer's subscriptions, or all of a customer's transferable subscriptions. Optionally, this method can filter the response by a customerNamePrefix. For more information, see manage subscriptions.
insertINSERTcustomerIdCreates or transfer a subscription. Create a subscription for a customer's account that you ordered using the Order a new customer account method. For more information about creating a subscription for different payment plans, see manage subscriptions.\ If you did not order the customer's account using the customer insert method, use the customer's customerAuthToken when creating a subscription for that customer. If transferring a G Suite subscription with an associated Google Drive or Google Vault subscription, use the batch operation to transfer all of these subscriptions. For more information, see how to transfer subscriptions.
deleteDELETEcustomerId, deletionType, subscriptionIdCancels, suspends, or transfers a subscription to direct.
activateEXECcustomerId, subscriptionIdActivates a subscription previously suspended by the reseller. If you did not suspend the customer subscription and it is suspended for any other reason, such as for abuse or a pending ToS acceptance, this call will not reactivate the customer subscription.
changePlanEXECcustomerId, subscriptionIdUpdates a subscription plan. Use this method to update a plan for a 30-day trial or a flexible plan subscription to an annual commitment plan with monthly or yearly payments. How a plan is updated differs depending on the plan and the products. For more information, see the description in manage subscriptions.
changeRenewalSettingsEXECcustomerId, subscriptionIdUpdates a user license's renewal settings. This is applicable for accounts with annual commitment plans only. For more information, see the description in manage subscriptions.
changeSeatsEXECcustomerId, subscriptionIdUpdates a subscription's user license settings. For more information about updating an annual commitment plan or a flexible plan subscription’s licenses, see Manage Subscriptions.
startPaidServiceEXECcustomerId, subscriptionIdImmediately move a 30-day free trial subscription to a paid service subscription. This method is only applicable if a payment plan has already been set up for the 30-day trial subscription. For more information, see manage subscriptions.
suspendEXECcustomerId, subscriptionIdSuspends an active subscription. You can use this method to suspend a paid subscription that is currently in the ACTIVE state. For FLEXIBLE subscriptions, billing is paused. For ANNUAL_MONTHLY_PAY or ANNUAL_YEARLY_PAY subscriptions: Suspending the subscription does not change the renewal date that was originally committed to. A suspended subscription does not renew. If you activate the subscription after the original renewal date, a new annual subscription will be created, starting on the day of activation. We strongly encourage you to suspend subscriptions only for short periods of time as suspensions over 60 days may result in the subscription being cancelled.